Astrophotographs from New Moon Weekend
at CSPG Field Chiefland Astronomy Village, 7-10 October 2010

NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula
NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula
IC 2118 Witch Head Nebula
IC 2118 Witch Head Nebula

IC 5146 Cocoon Nebula
Double Cluster in Perseus
NGC 869 NGC 884 Double Cluster in Perseus
NGC 1499 California Nebula
NGC 1499 California Nebula

NGC 1499 California Nebula
IC 1318 Cygnus Nebula
IC 1318 Cygnus Nebula
IC 1396 and Elephant Trunk Nebula
IC 1396 Nebula and Elephant Trunk Nebula
NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula

NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula
NGC 7331 and Stephan's Quintet
NGC 7331 Galaxy Group and Stephan's Quintet

I'm on the CSPG Field with my telescopes: Left - Takahashi FSQ-106N on EM-200 with Vixen 70x600 guidescope;Center - Astro-Tech 10 inch f/8 RC on an Astro-Physics 1200GTO mount with ATS pier and AP 80x900 guidescope; Right - Celestron 9.25 SCT on Losmandy GM-8 (for viewing pleasure only).

Posted 16 October 2010