Belt of Orion

Belt of Orion

The three stars of the Belt of Orion (Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka) form one of the most easily recognized star groupings visible by naked eye. It is described in many other cultures as the Three Kings, Three Marys, Freyja's Distaff, Three Sisters and the Weighing Beam. The three blue giant/supergiant main stars (700-1300 light years distant) formed in the same molecular cloud about 4 million years ago. To left of Alnitak is the Flame nebula (NGC 2024), an active star forming region. Below Alnitak is the Horsehead nebula (Barnard 33) back-lit by a large emission nebula (IC 434). There are many areas of reflection (blue) and emission (red) nebulosity throughout the image field.

Imaged from Gainesville FL January 3-5, 2021
Equipment: Takahashi E-130D; SBIG STL-11000M; Astro-Physics 1100
Process: 8.2 hours RGB, 3.25 hours hydrogen alpha in PixInsight and Photoshop.