Object: Bernard's Loop, Horsehead and Orion Nebulae
Equipment: Nikkor 135mm f/2 AI @ f/4 on SBIG STL-11000M camera; Vixen 70S guidescope on G-11 mount.
Exposure/Processing: 5-7 x 200s RGB each; 3 x 300-600-900s hydrogen alpha as luminance;
Processed Maxim DL and Photoshop.
Location/Date: Gainesville, FL, 02 November 2011
Comment: Bernard’s Loop (Sharpless 2-276) is an emission nebula in the constellation Orion. It is part of an Orion Molecular Cloud Complex which also contains the bright Horsehead (IC 434) and Orion (M42) nebulae. It is approximately 1600 light years distant and 300 light years across.