7 Hour Time Lapse Video - February 20-21, 2009 - Chiefland
Astronomy Village - links updated
taken with 300mm lens and EOS-40D camera from 11:12 PM
to 6:12 AM - 17MB (Right click mouse "Save
Target As...")
- 2 minute exposures ISO 1600, f/2.8 (1 minute interval) on GM8
guided by ST-4
video taken with 15mm fisheye lens and EOS-5D camera
from 7 PM to 6:21 AM (11.5 hours) - 141MB (Right
click mouse "Save Target As...")
- From sunset to sunrise over new observing field facing South
- Zodiacal light is visible from the West as Venus sets
- Antares and galactic center of the Milky Way rise just
before moonrise and sunrise
- Aircraft traffic drops off between about 1 AM and 5 AM
- Comet Lulin is moving very slowly to the South of Zaniah
(15-Eta Virginis) towards the West in the field
- 15 second exposures @ ISO 1600, f/2.8 (35 second intervals)
on tripod
10 Hour Time Lapse Video - February 4-7, 2009- with text and
- February 4, 2009
- 80 minute time lapse sequence starting at 5:03 EST (10:03
UT) shows undulating ion tail in front of comet and trailing
dust tail - 9
MB wmv clip