NGC 3521 - Spiral Galaxy in Leo
NGC 3521 is a 12th magnitude spiral galaxy in Leo 35 million light years from the Sun. It has a diameter of 98,000 light years. The bright star in the field is SAO 118661, a blue-white A8/A9 spectrum star 395 light years from the Sun. A spectrum stars are typically 1.4 to 2.1 the size of the Sun and burn much hotter (7600-10,000 K) compared to the Sun's temperature of 5772 K.
- Location/Date: Gainesville FL, April 7, 2021
- Telescope: Astro-Tech 10" Ritchey Chretien
- Camera: QHY268M
- Guider: QHY OAG-M; Lodestar X2
- Mount: Astro-Physics 1100GTO
- Image Acquisition/Guiding Software: N.I.N.A./PHD2
- Image Processing: PixInsight; Photoshop
- Captures: 200s subframes; LRGB 10-12 each