Film and Digital Resolution
Using Building as Target
Medium Format and 35mm Film
Compared to EOS-1D and EOS D-60
All Images Taken at f/16
This test evaluated image quality produced by various formats and prime, L-zoom and consumer zoom lenses.
All images were shot with cameras mounted on tripod at f/16. Astia 6x7 film was scanned with a Nikon CoolScan 8000ED. 35mm film was scanned with a Nikon CoolScan 4000ED. The EOS-1D and D-60 images were converted from RAW files to Tifs by Canon software. D-60 images were shot on a different day at a slightly different angle. All images were converted to 300dpi 12x18 or 14x18 inch images in PhotoShop. Cropped images from these enlargements were converted to 72 dpi images in PhotoShop. Cropped areas are from central and peripheral areas of the image field.
I also printed the images at 12 x 18. The medium format images have the greatest detail, and the digital images have the least detail. D-60 images were very close to 35mm film in image detail and had the best color and tone. For some of the images, because of capture of subtle tones and color, the D-60 images looked intermediate in quality to the medium format and 35mm images.