The Fluted Wall, Capitol Reef National Park. Moenkopi rocks formations were deposited in tidal flats during the Triassic Period. Deepest: reddish conglomerate of sandstone and siltstone; 50-100 ft Sinbad limestone: sand silt 70-140ft of yellowish Sinbad limestone Torrey member: 250 to 320 foot reddish brown to chocolate siltstone and sandstone Moody canyon member: redishbrown to reddish-orange siltstone: 320 to 430 feet
Entrance to the Capitol Reef National Park Visitor Center. Center parking and the scenic road were closed for construction. My white Tesla model 3 is parked outside the Visitor Center and Moenkopi rock formations are across US highway 24.
I would have needed my 4-wheel-drive truck to view the main attraction of the Park, the Waterpocket Fold. The best view of the Waterpocket fold was shown in an aerial photograph in the visitor center.
This is the Northwest view along the western face driving down Notom-Bullfrog Road. You can appreciate the northern-most edge of the Waterpocket Fold. I am standing on Sandy Creek Benches. This is the only point along the trip where I wish I had been driving my 4-wheel-drive F150 as it would have facilitated spectacular views driving parallel along the western edge of the fold.